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My six tips for better skills demos

DCDemonstrations are a very powerful way of giving information to young players. Here are six steps to ensure your demonstrations have the effect you want.

Step 1: Set the scene
Establish exactly what you want to achieve from the demonstration. Tell your players what you are showing them and exactly what they should be looking at. Outline the criteria for success.

Step 2: Get the level right
If it’s a new technique or skill you will need to go right back to basics. If it’s a skill you have been working on for a while you can focus on the more advanced aspects. Always highlight the basics though even if your players are good at them.

Don’t overload your players with information. If it is a complex skill, break it down into steps and work through them during a period of time.

Step 3: Know your stuff
You should be clear on what you are about to demonstrate. Make a note of the key factors you want to put across to your players so you don’t forget any of them. Practise the demonstration beforehand so you are confident in your own ability and can talk through each part of it.

Step 4: Check for understanding
Ask your players questions to check they have understood what they have been watching. You can even ask a couple of players to come out and demonstrate after you so you can check they have understood. Allow your players time to ask questions regarding the demonstration.

Step 5: Hands on
After your demonstration make sure your players are given an immediate opportunity to try out the skill. Keep reinforcing the key factors and correcting any faults you see.

Step 6: Assess the results
At the end of your session, gather your players and check they have remembered the key factors you were trying to put across. Answer any questions they have regarding the session and tell them what the next steps will be in terms of developing the new skill

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